The Ultimate Guide to Mastering Dotfiles (2024)

JUN 13 2023 // 3 min read

Nikola Balić Head of Growth
# Contents

What Are Dotfiles? Popular Dotfiles on GitHub The Benefits of Using Dotfiles Getting Started With Dotfiles Exploring Common Dotfiles and Configurations Must-Have Dotfiles for Productivity Customizing Dotfiles Configurations for Different Applications and Tools Some Important Dotfiles Tips Dotfiles and Accessibility Troubleshooting and FAQs Conclusion

However, have you given much thought to how you can save and synchronize those custom settings across devices? The solution is dotfiles.

Dotfiles are hidden configuration files in Unix-like systems that store settings for shells, editors, and other tools. By managing your dotfiles, you'll ensure a consistent experience across systems and save time reconfiguring tools.

This comprehensive guide will walk you through everything you need to know about dotfiles, from what they are and which ones you should manage to how to keep them synchronized across devices using version control.

By the end, you'll have a fully optimized and portable development environment.

What Are Dotfiles?

As a Linux or macOS user, you have likely encountered dotfiles before. Dotfiles, denoted by a.preceding the filename, are hidden configuration files in your home directory that control the settings and preferences for applications and your system environment.

To view and edit your dotfiles, you must first make them visible. In your file explorer, press Ctrl+H (Windows/Linux) or Command+Shift+. (macOS) to show hidden files. You will then see files like.bashrc,.gitconfig, and.vimrc.

.bashrccontrols your Bash shell preferences,.gitconfigstores your Git configuration, and.vimrccustomizes your Vim text editor settings. These are just a few examples; there are dotfiles for nearly every application.

Dotfiles allow you to finely tune your tools and system to work exactly as you like. You can add custom aliases, tweak style preferences, enable plugins, and more. For developers and power users especially, dotfiles are an important way to boost productivity through customization.

Look for files that match the applications you use, then copy the settings you want into your own dotfiles. Over time, you can build up a robust set of dotfiles tailored to your needs and preferences.

With some configuration, dotfiles can become a portable, customized environment you can replicate across systems. Dotfiles are a key part of taking control of your digital workspace as a power user.

Popular Dotfiles on GitHub

As an experienced developer, you likely have spent time customizing your development environment to suit your needs and preferences. These customizations are often stored in dotfiles - hidden files in your home directory that begin with a period.

Some of the most popular dotfiles are open-source and available on GitHub for you to reference or fork.

The .vimrc file contains custom settings for the Vim text editor, such as indentation rules, syntax highlighting, and key mappings.

The.bashrcand.zshrcfiles configure your shell environment, setting aliases, functions, and other preferences. The.gitconfigfile specifies configuration values for Git, including your name, email,color scheme, and default text editor.

Other popular dotfiles include:

  • .tmux.conf- Configures the Tmux terminal multiplexer with key bindings, window splits, and more.

  • .inputrc- Sets up custom key bindings and macros for the Readline library used by shells like Bash and ZSH.

  • .npmrcand.yarnrc- Specify registry URLs, cache locations, and other settings for the npm and Yarn package managers.

  • .ackrc- Defines configuration for the Ack/Ag search tool, like ignored directories and filetypes.

By forking repositories containing curated dotfiles, you can pick and choose the settings you want to incorporate into your own configuration.

You can then customize the dotfiles further to suit your particular needs and preferences as a developer. Maintaining your dotfiles in a Git repository also gives you version history, backups, and the ability to sync them across multiple machines.

Dotfiles are a key part of crafting a productive development environment tailored to your needs.

Exploring popular open-source dotfiles is a great way to discover new tips and tricks to boost your productivity and customize your workflow.

To get started with dotfiles, I recommend some examples in the below section of dotfile repositories on GitHub to use as inspiration.

  1. Holman does dotfiles: This is a popular repository by Zach Holman that contains his personal collection of dotfiles. It includes configurations for various tools like Git, Vim, and more. Repository:holman/dotfiles

  2. Mathias Bynens dotfiles: Mathias Bynens has a comprehensive collection of dotfiles for macOS. It covers configurations for shells, editors, and other command-line tools. Repository:mathiasbynens/dotfiles

  3. Paul Irish dotfiles: Paul Irish is a well-known web developer, and his dotfiles repository includes configurations for a productive development environment. It covers tools like Git, Sublime Text, and more. Repository:paulirish/dotfiles

  4. Amix's Vimrc: If you're specifically looking for Vim configurations, Amix's Vimrc repository is worth checking out. It provides a highly customizable Vim configuration with extensive plugin support. Repository:amix/vimrc

  5. skwp dotfiles: skwp's dotfiles repository focuses on providing a robust setup for macOS users. It includes configurations for tools like Zsh, Vim, and Tmux. Repository:skwp/dotfiles

The Benefits of Using Dotfiles

Increased Productivity

Using dotfiles allows you to save time by automating the configuration of your system and tools. Once set up, your dotfiles can instantly configure a new system to your preferences. No more manually tweaking settings and options every time you set up a new machine or tool.

Consistency Across Devices

Dotfiles enable you to keep a consistent development environment across all your systems. Whether you use Mac, Linux or Windows, you can sync your dotfiles to have the same configuration, shortcuts, and tooling preferences regardless of the platform. This allows you to be highly productive no matter what system you are using.

Shareable Configurations

The dotfiles you create can be shared with others in the developer community. You may find dotfile configurations from other developers that you want to use or build upon. Sharing your dotfiles is a way to give back to the open source community.

Some developers even create "dotfile starter kits" with recommended configurations for various tools and languages to help new developers get up and running quickly.

Backup Your Settings

By placing all your configuration settings into dotfiles under version control, you gain an automated backup of those settings. If anything were to happen to your system or configuration, you have a record of your dotfiles in version history that can be restored. This gives you peace of mind knowing your development environment can easily be replicated if needed.

Using dotfiles provides significant benefits to developers in terms of productivity, consistency, shareability, and backup of critical configuration settings. The time invested in creating and maintaining your dotfiles will reward you many times over during your development work. Overall, dotfiles are a best practice that every developer should adopt.

Getting Started With Dotfiles

To get started with dotfiles, there are a few steps you should take. Dotfiles are hidden configuration files in Linux and macOS that customize your system. By managing your dotfiles, you can configure your system just the way you like and have those settings follow you between machines.

Choose a Version Control System

The first step is choosing a version control system (VCS) to track your dotfiles. The two most popular options areGitandMercurial(Hg). Either will work fine, so choose the one you are most comfortable with.

Decide on a Directory Structure

You'll want to determine how you want to organize your dotfiles within the VCS. A common approach is to mirror the structure of your home directory. For example:

  • .bashrc

  • .vim/

    • .vimrc

    • plugins/

  • .ssh/

    • config

    • id_rsa

This keeps related files together and makes it easy to track what dotfiles relate to which applications and tools.

Add Your Existing Dotfiles

Add your existing dotfiles to the VCS. This captures your current configuration so you have a reference point to build from. You can then make changes and commit updates to tune the files to your preferences.

Sync Your DotfilesTo use your dotfiles on a new system, you need to sync them. The basic process is:

  1. Clone your dotfiles repository.

  2. Create symbolic links from your home directory to the files in the repository.

  3. Reload any necessary files (like .bashrc) to apply the changes.

Your dotfiles are now synced and your environment is set up the way you like it. Any changes you make can be committed and pushed to keep all your systems in sync.

Dotfiles provide a lot of flexibility and portability. With some initial setup, you'll have a consistent development environment across all your machines.

Exploring Common Dotfiles and Configurations

.bashrc and .bash_profileThe.bashrcand.bash_profilefiles are used to configure your Bash shell environment. The.bash_profileis executed when you log in, while.bashrcis executed whenever you open a new shell.

In your.bash_profile, you'll want to setenvironment variablesand aliases that you want to be active for all your shells. In .bashrc, you can set shell options,aliases, andfunctionsthat you want for interactive shells.

A common setup is to have .bash_profile source .bashrc:

Code copied successfully!

1# .bash_profile


3source ~/.bashrc

This will execute `.bashrc` whenever `.bash_profile` is run.

.gitconfigThe.gitconfigfile configures your Git environment. In it, you can set yourname,email,alias, and more. For example:

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3name = Your Name

4email =




8co = checkout

9br = branch

10ci = commit

This will set your Git name and email, as well as some useful aliases likegit coforgit checkoutandgit brforgit branch.

.vimrcThe.vimrcfile configures your Vim text editor. Vim is a very powerful editor with many options you can customize. In .vimrc, you can:

  • Set indentation rules

  • Choose a color scheme

  • Set line numbers

  • Create shortcuts

  • And much more

A sample .vimrc:

Code copied successfully!

1set number " Show line numbers

2set autoindent " Autoindent new lines


4colorscheme desert " Set desert color scheme


6" Create leader shortcut

7let mapleader = ","


9" Save shortcut

10nmap w :w

This will enable line numbers, auto-indentation, the desert color scheme, set,as the leader key, and create a shortcut,wto save the file.

Must-Have Dotfiles for Productivity

To maximize your productivity, certain dotfiles are essential. These configuration files help streamline your workflow and optimize your environment.

.bashrcThe.bashrcfile configures your Bash shell. It allows you to simplify commands by setting aliases, functions, and environment variables. For example, you can add:

  • Aliases likellforls -alto save typing

  • Functions to avoid repeating code

  • Environment variables to set paths

A well-configured .bashrc file can save you time with each command.


If you use Git for version control, the .gitconfig file sets up your Git username, email, aliases, and preferences. Some useful configurations include:

  1. Your name and email for commit messages:

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3name = Your Name


5email =

  1. Aliases likecoforcheckout,brforbranch, andciforcommit

  2. Preferences likecolor.ui = autoto enable color output

An optimized .gitconfig file makes using Git more efficient and pleasant.

.vimrc or .config/nvim

ForVimorNeovimtext editors, the.vimrcorinit.vimfiles customize your environment. You can add:

  • Settings likesyntax onto enable syntax highlighting

  • Key mappings to simplify navigation

  • Plugins to extend functionality

With a tailored Vim config file, you can turn Vim into a powerful editor for any task.


If you use the Z shell (zsh) instead of Bash, the.zshrcfile serves the same purpose as .bashrc. You can set aliases, functions, plugins, and themes to enhance your zsh environment.

Optimizing these dotfiles will make you far more productive by customizing your tools and environment to your needs. The time invested in setting them up will reward you many times over in your daily work.

Configuring Your Editor: Vim, Emacs, Sublime Text, and Atom

Configuring your editor is one of the first things you'll want to do when setting up your dotfiles. The editor you choose is a personal preference, but some of the popular options are Vim, Emacs, Sublime Text, and Atom.

For Vim, you'll want to create a.vimrcfile to store your configuration. This is where you can set options like:

  • Tab width (set tabstop=4)

  • Indentation (set shiftwidth=4)

  • Line numbers (set number)

  • Syntax highlighting (syntax on)

  1. "Vim Tips Wiki" - Configuration: The Vim Tips Wiki has a comprehensive section dedicated to configuration. It provides explanations and examples of various options that can be set in the**.vimrc**file.Link to the Vim Tips Wiki - Configuration.

  2. "Learn Vimscript the Hard Way" by Steve Losh: This online book is an excellent resource for learning Vimscript and understanding how to configure Vim. Chapter 18 specifically focuses on Vim configuration.Link to "Learn Vimscript the Hard Way".

Emacs uses a.emacsfile for configuration. Some useful settings for that include:

  • Default font (set-frame-font "Monaco-12")

  • Tab width (setq tab-width 4)

  • Line numbers (global-linum-mode 1)

  1. "Emacs Wiki - Init File": The Emacs Wiki has a dedicated page explaining the.emacsfile (also known as the init file) and its configuration options. It provides a detailed overview of various settings and variables that can be customized in the file.Link to the Emacs Wiki - Init File

  2. "Mastering Emacs - Your init file": This tutorial on the Mastering Emacs website covers the basics of Emacs configuration. It explains how to set up and organize your.emacsfile and provides examples of common settings you can include.Link to "Mastering Emacs - Your init file"

Sublime Text uses a.sublime-settingsfile. You can configure things like:

  • Theme ( "theme": "Adaptive.sublime-theme")

  • Font size ( "font_size": 12)

  • Tab width ( "tab_size": 4)

  1. "Sublime Text Configuration on GitHub": Many Sublime Text users share their configuration files on GitHub. You can explore these repositories to see how others customize Sublime Text and gather ideas for your own configuration.Link to the "wbond/package_control" repository

  2. "Unofficial Sublime Text Documentation - Settings": The Unofficial Sublime Text Documentation has a section dedicated to settings. It provides an overview of the different types of settings files, including the.sublime-settingsfile, and explains how to customize various aspects of Sublime Text.Link to the Unofficial Sublime Text Documentation - Settings

For Atom, you'll want to create a.atomfolder which contains aninit.coffeefile for configuration. In there you can set:

  • Theme (theme: 'atom-material-ui')

  • Font size (fontSize: 12)

  • Soft tabs (tabLength: 4, useSoftTabs: true)

Customizing it to your preferences will make you much more productive no matter which editor you choose. Take the time to explore all the options and settings to build an environment perfectly tailored to your needs.

Your dotfiles are all about optimizing your workflow, so try to configure your editor of choice.


So you want to customize your Python environment? Great idea. Python has a lot of options to set up your dev environment just the way you like it.

To start, you'll want to set up a virtual environment. This isolates your project dependencies from the rest of your system and ensures you have the correct versions installed. You can usevenv,virtualenv, orpipenv. I preferpipenvsince it handles dependencies for you.

  • To installpipenv, run:

Code copied successfully!

1pip install pipenv

Then, to create a new project:

Code copied successfully!

1pipenv install

This will create a Pipfile to track your dependencies and a virtual environment. To activate it, run:

Code copied successfully!

1pipenv shell

Now you can install packages into your project's virtual environment. For example, to install Flask:

Code copied successfully!

1pipenv install Flask

Pipenv will automatically add Flask to your Pipfile. You can also specify Python versions in your Pipfile. For example, to use Python 3.8:

Code copied successfully!


2python_version = "3.8"

Pipenv will install that version and create your virtual environment with it.

There are a few other things you can customize for Python. You can set environment variables in your.bashrcor.zshrcfile, like:

Code copied successfully!

1export PYTHONWARNINGS="ignore::DeprecationWarning"

This will ignore DeprecationWarning messages in Python. You can also create a file in your home directory to execute Python code when you start the interpreter.

With all these options, you'll be customizing Python in no time!

Some Important Dotfiles Tips

Keeping Dotfiles PrivateTo keep your dotfiles private, there are a few precautions you should take.

First, do not commit sensitive data to your dotfiles repository. This includes:

  • Passwords

  • API keys

  • SSH keys

  • GPG keys

Committing this type of sensitive data to a Git repository, even a private one, poses a serious security risk if the repository were to become compromised.

Second, use Git's.gitignorefile to ignore sensitive dotfiles. For example, you would add lines like:

  • .ssh/*

  • .gnupg/*

Ignore your SSH and GPG directories. This will prevent those files from being committed to the repository.

Third, useGit's smudge and clean filtersto encrypt sensitive dotfiles before committing them. This involves:

  1. Adding a "clean" filter to encrypt the file before committing

  2. Adding a "smudge" filter to decrypt the file when checking it out

Using encryption will allow you to commit sensitive dotfiles to your repository, with the added security that they are unreadable without the encryption key.

Finally, consider using a private Git hosting service for your dotfiles repository. Services like:

  • GitHub Private Repositories

  • GitLab Private Projects

  • Bitbucket Private Repositories

Offer private Git repositories with granular access controls, allowing you to keep your dotfiles repository private and secure.

By following these best practices, you can have a convenient dotfiles repository without compromising the security and privacy of your sensitive data and configurations. Keeping your dotfiles secure will give you peace of mind that your system is locked down, yet still maintainable.

Some extra resources:

  1. "Dotfiles: Storing Your Whole Development Environment Setup in Git" by Alex Pearce: This tutorial provides step-by-step instructions on how to store your dotfiles in a private Git repository.Link to "Dotfiles: Storing Your Whole Development Environment Setup in Git" tutorial

  2. "Keeping Your Dotfiles in Git" by Anish Athalye: This guide offers practical advice on keeping your dotfiles in a private Git repository. It covers techniques for managing sensitive information, using encryption, and setting up secure workflows to ensure the privacy of your dotfiles.Link to "Keeping Your Dotfiles in Git" guide

Syncing Dotfiles Between Multiple Machines

Using Git to Sync Dotfiles

To sync your dotfiles across multiple machines, Git is an excellent version control system to use. Git allows you to track changes to files over time so you can revert back to previous versions if needed.

To get started, initialize a Git repository in your dotfiles directory:

Code copied successfully!

1git init

This will create a .git folder which contains the repository. Next, add all of your dotfiles to the staging area:

Code copied successfully!

1git add .

Then, commit the files with a commit message:

Code copied successfully!

1git commit -m "Initial commit of dotfiles"

Now your dotfiles are tracked in Git. To sync them to another machine, you have a few options:

  1. Clone the repository on the new machine: git clone /path/to/dotfiles

This will copy the entire repository to the new machine. Then you can symlink the files to the appropriate locations.

  1. Use Git to sync changes remotely:

  2. On the source machine, add a Git remote:

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1git remote add origin

  • Push the changes to the remote:

Code copied successfully!

1git push -u origin master

  • On the new machine, add the same remote and pull the changes:

Code copied successfully!

1git pull origin master

  1. Use a Git hosting service like GitHub, GitLab or Bitbucket and push your dotfiles to a repository there. Then you can clone and pull from the repository on any machine.

Using Git to version control and sync your dotfiles across multiple machines efficiently keeps your configuration consistent everywhere. Let me know if you have any other questions!

Backing Up Your Precious DotfilesAs you customize your system over time, your dotfiles become increasingly valuable. Losing them would mean losing all of your custom settings, configurations, and preferences that make your system work the way you like. To avoid disaster, it's critical to implement a dotfiles backup plan.

A good first step is gathering all your dotfiles into a single directory. This makes them easy to access, edit, and back up as a group. A common convention is to store them in a .dotfiles directory in your home folder.

You can then create symbolic links to point each dotfile to its counterpart in the .dotfiles directory. With your dotfiles organized, decide on a backup schedule. For most users, backing up your dotfiles weekly or monthly is sufficient. You have a few options for how to backup your dotfiles:

  • Manual copy: Simply copy your .dotfiles directory to an external drive or cloud storage service like Dropbox or Google Drive. This ensures you have an offline backup in case of internet or hardware issues.

  • Version control:Using a system like Git, you can version control your dotfiles and push them to a remote repository for safekeeping. GitHub and Bitbucket both offer free private repositories to store your dotfiles.

  • Automated backup: Use a tool like Time Machine, Backblaze, or Duplicati to automatically backup your .dotfiles directory on a schedule. These services can backup to external storage, cloud storage, or both.

  • Multiple methods: For maximum protection, use a combination of manual copy, version control, and automated backup. Redundancy is key.

No matter which method(s) you choose, be sure to test restoring your dotfiles from backup regularly to ensure the process works and your files remain intact.

Your dotfiles contain the digital imprint of how you like to work, so safeguard them well using a solid backup strategy.

Dotfiles in Team and Enterprise Environments

Standardizing Dotfiles

When collaborating on dotfiles within a team or at an enterprise level, it is important to establish standards and conventions to ensure consistency and scalability.

Some recommendations for standardizing dotfile management include:

  • Definingnaming conventions for dotfiles, configuration directories, and associated files. For example, requiring all shell configuration files to be named.bashrc.

  • Establishingstyle guidelinesfor dotfile content, such as indentation size, comment format, and variable naming conventions. This makes dotfiles easier to read, maintain, and merge.

  • Creating templatesfor common dotfiles that can be copied and customized. This reduces duplication of effort and ensures key settings are not missed.

  • Usingversion control to trackchanges to dotfiles over time. A distributed version control system like Git is ideal for this purpose.

  • Developing a process for reviewing and approving changes to dotfiles before deployment. This helps catch issues early and maintains consistency.

  • Automating the deployment of dotfilesto new systems. Tools like Ansible, Puppet, and Chef are designed specifically for managing configurations at scale.

By systematically approaching dotfile management, teams and enterprises can establish a configuration baseline, simplify maintenance, enable collaboration, ensure compliance, and scale efficiently.

The key is starting with a well-defined set of standards and choosing tools that facilitate a standardized, automated, and auditable process. With the right strategy and solutions in place, dotfile management does not have to be a tedious or error-prone endeavor, even at large scale.

Dotfiles and Accessibility

As a user with accessibility needs, customizing your dotfiles is essential for an optimal experience.

Dotfiles contain configuration settings for various command line tools and shells that determine how they function. By modifying your dotfiles, you can enable accessibility features and integrate assistive technologies into your workflow.

Some options for enhancing accessibility through dotfiles include:

  • Enabling screen reader support by setting theVISUALandEDITORenvironment variables to your preferred screen reader in your shell config file (e.g..bashrc). This will allow the screen reader to read text in those programs.

  • Increasing font sizes and changing color schemes to improve visibility. You can set these options in.bashrc,.vimrc, and other dotfiles.

  • Remapping keys for easier navigation. For example, you may want to remap Caps Lock to Escape in.vimrcor change other key bindings. This can help reduce repetitive strain injuries.

  • Installing and enabling additional accessibility tools. Some options include:

  • Orca- A free, open-source screen reader for Linux desktops. You can enable it in your.bashrcfile.

  • Emacspeak- An audio desktop for Emacs. You can install and configure it by editing your.emacsfile.

  • Vim-a11y- This project groups everything needed to make Vim more accessible for people.

By taking the time to customize your dotfiles, you can build an accessible and productive environment tailored to your needs. Dotfiles give you flexibility and control over your tools so you can optimize them for accessibility.

Troubleshooting and FAQs

What if I have issues setting up or using dotfiles?

Even with the most comprehensive guide, you may encounter problems when implementing your dotfiles. Here are some common issues and solutions to try:

Dotfiles are not loading properly.

Double-check that your dotfiles are located in the proper directory for your system and shell. Make sure the files have the correct permissions to be read and executed. It may also help to source the files manually in your shell to check for any syntax errors.

Certain programs are not recognizing the dotfiles.

Some applications load configuration files from locations other than your home directory. You may need to create symlinks to your dotfiles in the appropriate locations. Check the documentation for the specific application to determine where it loads config files from.

I want to stop using the dotfiles.

To revert back to your system's default configuration, simply move or delete your dotfiles directory. Your applications will then load the default settings. You may need to restart some programs or login sessions again for the changes to take effect.

Dotfiles are not working after an update.

If you update your system or an application and your dotfiles stop working, there may be an incompatibility with the new version. Check for any changes to configuration file locations or formats in the release notes. You may need to update your dotfiles to work with the new system components.

For additional help, you can search online for solutions to your specific issue. The Arch Linux and Ubuntu wikis also provide useful information on configuring dotfiles. Don’t hesitate to ask for help on forums like Stack Overflow, Reddit, and the dotfiles GitHub repository. With some troubleshooting, you'll have your dotfiles working in no time.


You now have all the tools and knowledge needed to customize your system and make it uniquely your own using dotfiles. Whether you want to replicate the setup of power users you admire or create configurations tailored to your needs and workflow, you can build on the basics covered here. Dotfiles allow you to shape your system into a personalized and optimized environment that fits you like a glove.

With some experimentation, you'll be enhancing your productivity and efficiency in no time. The possibilities for customization are endless if you're willing to invest the time to craft dotfiles that work for you. Now go forth and tweak to your heart's content!

The Ultimate Guide to Mastering Dotfiles (2) The Ultimate Guide to Mastering Dotfiles (3)

Daytona is a dev environment orchestration & management platform empowering developers to focus on what matters.

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The author
Nikola Balić Head of Growth

Niko, the Head of Growth at Daytona, is a generalist with extensive experience leading teams and projects, including advising and lecturing on various topics from complex networks and IP to inbound marketing and business growth.


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The Ultimate Guide to Mastering Dotfiles (2024)


How do you organize your dotfiles? ›

How should you organize your dotfiles? They should be in their own folder, under version control, and symlinked into place using a script. This has the benefits of: Easy installation: if you log in to a new machine, applying your customizations will only take a minute.

What is the meaning of dotfiles? ›

What Are Dotfiles? As a Linux or macOS user, you have likely encountered dotfiles before. Dotfiles, denoted by a . preceding the filename, are hidden configuration files in your home directory that control the settings and preferences for applications and your system environment.

How to use dotfiles in i3? ›

Manual Installation
  1. Install dependencies. ...
  2. Create default directories. ...
  3. Copy configs, scripts, fonts, wallpaper, vsc configs, zsh config. ...
  4. Make Light executable, set zsh as default shell, update nvim extensions, refresh font cache. ...
  5. Install vsc theme.
Jul 31, 2023

How to back up dot files? ›

Backup technique
  1. Create a bare repository. Create a bare repository wherever it suit you. ...
  2. Link the bare repository with a worktree. ...
  3. Hide untracked files. ...
  4. Create a README file (optional) ...
  5. Start commit the the dotfiles.

What are the three method of arranging files? ›

File organization methods
  1. sequential,
  2. random,
  3. serial and.
  4. indexed-sequential.

What is the tool for managing dotfiles? ›

yadm (4866 stars) is a dotfile management tool which supports system-specific alternate files/templating, encryption of private data, custom bootstrap actions, and integration with other git-aware tools like vim-fugitive, tig, git-crypt, etc.

How to create a dotfile? ›

To create dotfiles, you use the touch command and pass the name(s) of the file(s) as the argument to the command. The filename(s) will have a preceding period. The first argument is the current path of the file – the tilde ( ~ ) stands for the home direcory.

What are dot files called? ›

Dotfiles mean hidden configuration (mostly configuration) files. On Unix, any file that starts with a "." means it's a hidden file. Most common 2 directories are ". config" and ". local".

What are dot and double dot files? ›

Single dot "." stands for current directory and double dots ".." mean parent directory. Similarly "~" stands for home directory. These shortcuts come in very handy because you don't have to type in complete path of any file you want to access in a particular (or current) directory. For Example- typing cd ..

How do I get rid of gaps in i3? ›

Press one of + / - (in-/decrement for current workspace) or 0 (remove gaps for current workspace). If you also press Shift with these keys, the change will be global for all workspaces.

How do I exit i3 without warning? ›

Exiting i3. To cleanly exit i3 without killing your X server, you can use $mod+Shift+e. By default, a dialog will ask you to confirm if you really want to quit.

How do I navigate in i3? ›

By default, i3 splits the screen horizontally; use Mod+v to split vertically and press Mod+h to go back to the horizontal split. To start other applications, press Mod+d to open dmenu , a simple text-based application menu. By default, dmenu presents a list of all applications available on your $PATH .

What is the function of the dotfiles? ›

Dotfiles are plain text configuration files on Unix like systems (e.g. MacOS, Linux, BSD). Dotfiles store settings of almost every application, service and tool running on your system. These files control the behavior of applications from boot to termination and everything in between.

Are DOT files hidden? ›

Dotfiles are usually hidden on Unix-like systems, but they are not in Windows.

How do I read a DOT file? ›

Various programs can process DOT files. Some, such as dot, neato, twopi, circo, fdp, and sfdp, can read a DOT file and render it in graphical form. Others, such as gvpr, gc, acyclic, ccomps, sccmap, and tred, read DOT files and perform calculations on the represented graph.

What is the best way to organize personal files? ›

Key Points
  1. Avoid saving unnecessary documents.
  2. Follow a consistent method for naming your files and folders.
  3. Store related documents together, whatever their type.
  4. Separate ongoing work from completed work.
  5. Avoid overfilling folders.
  6. Organize documents by date.
  7. Make digital copies of paper documents.

How do I keep my digital files organized? ›

Eight tips for organizing digital files.
  1. Make a plan to organize your digital files.
  2. Make decluttering part of your routine.
  3. Name digital files clearly.
  4. Standardize your document types.
  5. Merge documents strategically.
  6. Use folder nesting systems.
  7. Zip it up with zip folders.
  8. Invest in file organizing software.

How can disk space be organized? ›

Freeing up disk space: A guide to organizing and managing your...
  1. Delete unnecessary files. ...
  2. Organize files into folders. ...
  3. Rename files and folders. ...
  4. Compress data. ...
  5. Leverage cloud storage solutions.
Mar 31, 2023

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Author: Rubie Ullrich

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Author information

Name: Rubie Ullrich

Birthday: 1998-02-02

Address: 743 Stoltenberg Center, Genovevaville, NJ 59925-3119

Phone: +2202978377583

Job: Administration Engineer

Hobby: Surfing, Sailing, Listening to music, Web surfing, Kitesurfing, Geocaching, Backpacking

Introduction: My name is Rubie Ullrich, I am a enthusiastic, perfect, tender, vivacious, talented, famous, delightful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.