Surname Liebel: Meaning Origin Variants (2024)

Liebel: What does the surname Liebel mean?

The last name Liebel is of German origin. It is an occupational name created for individuals who were brewers or tavern keepers. It is derived from the German word "liedel," meaning “a brewer” or “tavern keeper” and could also refer to an unwed young man. The surname is found in various European countries including Germany, Austria, and Switzerland.

The Liebel coat of arms displays a red shield with a silver canton that depicts a gold goblet with Maltese cross. This is a nod to the Liebel family’s original occupation as brewers and tavernkeepers. The family motto “Fideliter et Constanter” is Latin for “faithfully and faithfully” which implies loyalty, trustworthiness, and steadfastness.

In modern times, many individuals who have the last name Liebel have followed in the path of their ancestors and continue to work in the hospitality industry. Others have embraced different career fields; many of them are business owners, entrepreneurs, leaders, and innovators.

The last name Liebel stands for a long line of hardworking individuals who earned their living with respect, dedication, and loyalty towards their craft. These traits have been passed down through generations of Liebel individuals and continue to live on in those who proudly bear the name.

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Liebel: Where does the name Liebel come from?

Liebel is a surname that is not commonly found today. However, it is most prominent in Germany, Switzerland, and Austria.

The Liebel surname is derived from the Germanic name Libal, which means 'dear one.' It is believed to have originated in the Upper Rhine region near Switzerland, and is also related to the German word for love, 'Liebe.' Liebel is an occupational name, referring to a writer or scribe.

Liebel is also found in France, where it may have been adopted in the 16th century. It is believed that many French Huguenots adopted the name to escape religious persecution.

In the United States, Liebel is most prevalent in the Midwest, particularly in states such as Indiana, Michigan, Illinois, and Wisconsin. This could be due to 19th century German immigration to the area.

As for Australia, Liebel is a very uncommon surname. In fact, there are only 80 people registered in Australia with the last name Liebel, and these are likely to be migrants from Germany.

Therefore, Liebel is still considered a rare surname today and is typically found in countries with large populations of German-speaking people.

Variations of the surname Liebel

The surname Liebel has many variants, spellings, and surnames of the same origin. These variants, spellings, and surnames hail from a variety of countries and include Lieabal, Liebhal, Leibel, Liebau, Liebold, Liebelle, Liebling, Leibele, and Liebyl.

Liebal, or Libel, is a German variant of the surname originated in Bavaria. It is derived from Lieb, which represents an old Germanic personal name ‘Lepa’, which is associated with ‘lovely’. In early German records, Liebal was a noble family name.

Liebhal is a German variation of the surname with roots in the Middle Ages. It is derived from the Old German personal name Liebhald, which is composed of ‘lieb’ meaning love, and ‘hald’ meaning bold or brave.

Leibel is a Jewish variant of the surname and also means ‘beloved’ or ‘dear one’. It is popular amongst the Jewish diaspora of Eastern Europe.

Liebau is a German variant of the surname and derives from the Old German words ‘leiba’ or ‘leibe’ which mean ‘Dear Friend’.

Liebold is an Old High German name composed of ‘Lieb’ meaning love, and ‘bold’ meaning bold or brave.

Liebelle is a German and French variant of the surname that hails from Bavaria and France, originated as a name given to individuals in small rural villages where a name was needed to differentiate them from other villages.

Liebling is a German and Yiddish variant of the surname, which derives from the Old German words ‘leiba’ or ‘leibe’, which mean ‘Beloved’ or ‘dear one’.

Leibele is a Jewish variant of the surname and is derived from Leiba which is a pet form of Lieba meaning beloved.

Liebyl is the German phonetic form of the surname. The surname is believed to have originated from an Old German tribal leader namedLeibulf, which is a combination of the words ‘lieb’ meaning love, and ‘ulf’ meaning wolf.

Famous people with the name Liebel

  • Ryan Liebel: Actor and producer
  • Dani Liebel: Singer-songwriter
  • Valentina Liebel: Ballet dancer
  • Erika Liebel: Social media influencer
  • Zac Liebel: Professional mountain biker
  • Cara Liebel: Olympic swimmer
  • Michelle Liebel: Professional golfer
  • Stephen Liebel: Former NFL player
  • David Liebel: Actor and comedian
  • Taliah Liebel: Dancer and YouTuber

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Surname Liebel: Meaning Origin Variants (2024)
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