K-12 Frequently Asked Questions | EVERFI (2025)

How is EVERFI free? What’s the catch? Where does the money/funding come from?

No catch! EVERFI secures community partners to sponsor K-12 schools. These partners fully fund all the courses & resources available via the EVERFI platform so they’re always free for schools.

Do you have any evidence that the courses work?

EVERFI adheres to ESSA requirements for providing evidence of efficacy for our products. Our entire suite of K-12 courses have met ESSA Tier 4 Rationale for Efficacy and have also earned the Digital Promise Certificate for Research-Based Product Design. For more evidence, see EVERFI Research Website for the most recent body of research.

How many student/teacher licenses are available?

Your school has unlimited student & teacher licenses.

Can I monitor my students' progress? How can I see their responses?

Teachers have a Gradebook on their EVERFI account. From here, they can monitor student pre- and post-assessment scores, along with timestamps, and read student responses to short-answer questions.

Do courses align with my states’ standards?

Yes! EVERFI courses are created with state standards in mind. You can reach out to your Implementation Specialist to see what is aligned to your standards and hear how other teachers in your area are implementing resources. Find your Implementation Specialist’s email address by logging in to your EVERFI account and clicking Help.

Do I have to create an account for each student?

Each student can self-register to create their account. However, if you’d like to create an account for each student you can upload a spreadsheet with usernames & passwords under the Students tab. If a district is using Clever or ClassLink to log into EVERFI, student accounts do NOT need to be created. Teachers should log in via their SSO (Clever or ClassLink) and create their classes using the "create class" button. Once classes are created, students will login via the SSO (Clever or ClassLink) and will automatically be enrolled into the teacher's class according to the district roster.

What does EVERFI's ISTE Seal mean?

The ISTE Seal (formerly known as the Seal of Alignment), showcases products that have been tested for quality and usability and have triumphed. Products that earn the ISTE Seal are aligned to the ISTE Standards, feature a strong user interface and support teaching practices backed by research and learning sciences.

This one-of-a-kind product certification is a signal that EVERFI's classroom solution supports evidence-based, high-impact pedagogy and is designed for scalable, equitable learning experiences.

Does everyone need their own device?


Can I add a co-teacher?


Is there a limit on how many students I can add to my class?

No! You can use EVERFI courses with as many students as you’d like every year. Each class you create on your EVERFI account by clicking Create Class can hold up to 1000 students and you can create as many classes as you need.

How are the lessons set up? Does it have to be used independently by students or can I use it whole-class?

The digital courses are designed for students to work independently on their own computer. Within many of the self-paced lessons, students explore scenarios where they make decisions based on their own lives. Students also complete a pre- and post-assessment that is automatically graded and available for teachers to keep track of individual performance. Teachers have access to offline resources like lesson plans and discussion guides to use whole-class in addition to the digital lessons.

Can I change the order of the lessons?

For most classes, you can elect to teach the lessons in the order of your choice, but you are not able to change the way the lessons are laid out within the platform.

How does a teacher access the student course content?

On your teacher dashboard you can click "details" next to any course on the "Explore Courses" & "My Courses" tab. This will bring you to the back end of the course with resources and access to take the course as a student by clicking "Preview Course".

Do the courses work on tablets and smartphones?

This varies by course. Check system requirements here by selecting the device tab then find the list of K12 Education courses that are supported on that device.

Is student data safe?

We take student privacy and data safety very seriously and adhere to all COPPA (Children's Online Privacy Protection Act) guidelines. You can read more about our user privacy policy here.

Can I use more than one course?

Yes, many EVERFI courses complement each other and go well together. You can reach out to your Implementation Specialist to get recommendations personalized for your class. Find your Implementation Specialist’s email address by logging in to your EVERFI account and clicking Help.

Can I use EVERFI resources all year?

Yes! You can use as many EVERFI courses with as many students as you’d like every year.

What is the difference between a module, a lesson, and a course?

The terms module and lesson are used interchangeably to describe the self-paced, digital lessons that students work through independently on their computers. Lessons last anywhere from 5-45 minutes, depending on the course. Courses are a collection of lessons on a particular topic, with anywhere from 1-7 lessons per course. EVERFI offers over 30 courses that contain altogether over 200 total lessons.

K-12 Frequently Asked Questions | EVERFI (2025)
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Author: Moshe Kshlerin

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Author information

Name: Moshe Kshlerin

Birthday: 1994-01-25

Address: Suite 609 315 Lupita Unions, Ronnieburgh, MI 62697

Phone: +2424755286529

Job: District Education Designer

Hobby: Yoga, Gunsmithing, Singing, 3D printing, Nordic skating, Soapmaking, Juggling

Introduction: My name is Moshe Kshlerin, I am a gleaming, attractive, outstanding, pleasant, delightful, outstanding, famous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.