Briar/LoL (2024)


Briar/LoL (1)


Briar/LoL (2)Briar/LoL (3)

Briar/LoL (4)Briar/LoL (5)

Briar/LoL (6)Briar/LoL (7)

Briar/LoL (8)Briar/LoL (9)

Briar/LoL (10)Briar/LoL (11)

Briar is a champion in League of Legends.[1]



Crimson Curse

Briar/LoL (13)

Innate: Briar's basic attacks and abilities inflict a bleed against enemies for 5 seconds, refreshing on subsequent applications, stacking up to 9 times and dealing 25% damage for stacks beyond the first. The bleed deals10 − 50 (based on level) (+ 50% bonus AD) total physical damage over the duration, increased by 2.5 − 12.5 (based on level) (+ 12.5% bonus AD) for each subsequent stack and up to a maximum of 30 − 150 (based on level) (+ 150% bonus AD).」1 − 5 (based on level) (+ 5% bonus AD) physical damage every 0.5 seconds, increased by 0.25 − 1.25 (based on level) (+ 1.25% bonus AD) for each subsequent stack and up to a maximum of 3 − 15 (based on level) (+ 15% bonus AD) per tick.」Briar Briar/LoL (14) heals herself equal to 25% of the pre-mitigation damage dealt. If a target dies while bleeding, she will heal herself equal to 125% of the remaining bleed damage.

Briar has no Briar/LoL (15)base health regeneration, but she increases healing from all sources by 0% − 40% (based on missing health) (+ 0% − 2.5% (based on missing health) per 100 bonus health).

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  • Details

  • Map-Specific Differences

  • Briar/LoL (16) Blood Frenzy's area of effect damage around the target does not apply bleed stacks.
Briar/LoL (17) Arena differences edit
  • Base healing amplifier changed to 0% − 35% (based on missing health).


Head Rush

Briar/LoL (18)

Active: Briar Briar/LoL (19) leaps to the target unit. If the target is an enemy, she deals magic damage, applies Briar/LoL (20) on-hit and on-attack effects, Briar/LoL (21) stuns them for 0.85 seconds, and reduces their Briar/LoL (22)armor and Briar/LoL (23)magic resistance for 5 seconds.

Magic Damage:
60 / 90 / 120 / 150 / 180 (+ 80% bonus AD) (+ 60% AP)
Resistances Reduction:
10 / 12.5 / 15 / 17.5 / 20%

Head Rush Briar/LoL (24) resets Briar's basic attack timer.

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  • Details

  • Map-Specific Differences

  • Head Rush can be cast on jungle plants, wards, and traps.
  • Head Rush's damage benefits from life steal.
  • Head Rush is a non-following dash.
    • It picks its dash destination ~100 units in front of enemy targets, 75 units in front enemy targets when already very close to them, 75 units in front of of allied targets.
    • If already within 75 units of her target, she dashes to her current location, which takes 0 time but still triggers dash effects such as Briar/LoL (25) Sudden Impact.
    • It does not force the target's resistance values to update immediately outside of the natural stat update cycle, which means it will typically still be mitigated by the unreduced magic resistance value.
Briar/LoL (26) Arena differences edit
  • Base damage changed to 50 / 85 / 120 / 155 / 190.
  • Resistances reduction changed to 8 / 10 / 12 / 14 / 16%.


Blood Frenzy

Active: Briar Briar/LoL (27) dashes to the target location. If there is a nearby enemy upon her arrival, she gains Blood Frenzy for 5 seconds, during which she can cast Briar/LoL (28) Snack Attack.

Briar/LoL (29)

Blood Frenzy: Briar breaks free from her pillory, causing her to become forced to basic attack the nearest enemy. She Briar/LoL (30) reveals the target and gains Briar/LoL (31) ghosting, Briar/LoL (32)bonus attack speed and Briar/LoL (33)bonus movement speed, as well as empowering her basic attacks to deal physical damage to enemies surrounding her target. This damage is affected by Briar/LoL (34) critical strike modifiers.

Bonus Attack Speed:
55 / 65 / 75 / 85 / 95%
Bonus Movement Speed:
24 / 33 / 42 / 51 / 60%
Physical Damage:
60 / 70 / 80 / 90 / 100% AD

Briar prioritizes attacking Briar/LoL (35) champions, then large Briar/LoL (36) monsters or Briar/LoL (37) minions, and then any other unit. If she casts Briar/LoL (38) Head Rush on a non-champion, she will shift her target priority to large monsters or minions, then champions, and then any other unit.

Blood Frenzy causes Briar to become unable to receive movement and attack commands. The frenzy ends early if there are no longer any nearby valid targets or Briar/LoL (39) Chilling Scream is cast. Blood Frenzy Briar/LoL (40) resets Briar's basic attack timer. Briar/LoL (41) Head Rush and Briar/LoL (42) Certain Death can be cast during the dash.


Snack Attack

Briar/LoL (43)

Active: Briar empowers her next basic attack within 5 seconds during Briar/LoL (44) Blood Frenzy to take a bite out of the target enemy, having an Briar/LoL (45) uncancelable windup, gaining Briar/LoL (46)50 bonus range, dealing bonus physical damage and Briar/LoL (47) healing her for 5% of her maximum health plus a percentage of the post-mitigation damage dealt.

Bonus Physical Damage:
5 / 20 / 35 / 50 / 65 (+ 5% AD) (+ 9% (+ 2.5% per 100 bonus AD) of the target's missing health)
Heal Percentage:
24 / 28 / 32 / 36 / 40%

Snack Attack deals 110% damage against Briar/LoL (48) minions and Briar/LoL (49) monsters, with the damage based on the target's health ratio being capped at 400.

Non-Champion Bonus Damage:
5.5 / 22 / 38.5 / 55 / 71.5 (+ 5.5% AD) (+ 9.9% (+ 2.75% per 100 bonus AD) of the target's missing health)

Snack Attack Briar/LoL (50) resets Briar's basic attack timer.

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  • Blood Frenzy Details

  • Snack Attack Details

  • Blood Frenzy acquires targets regardless of if they are visible or not.
  • If the main attack Briar/LoL (52) critically strikes, the cleave damage will do so as well.
  • Briar uses Briar/LoL (53) Frenzy as her resource to indicate the remaining amount of time of her Blood Frenzy, in seconds.
  • The following table refers for interactions while Briar is in her frenzy:
    • While in the frenzy, Briar cannot control her movement nor declare who she attacks. She will automatically acquire a nearby enemy as her attack target based on a priority system, becoming forced to basic attack the target and consequently move into her attack range of them to do so.
      • Briar/LoL (54) Disarming crowd control as well as any other lockout that would disable basic attacking will disable the forced attacks.
      • Briar/LoL (55) Forced action crowd control will cause her forced attacks to be either overridden or disabled, depending on the actions being forced by the debuff.
AbilitiesBriar/LoL (56) Head Rush can only be cast on targets within its radius. Briar/LoL (57) Chilling Scream interrupts the frenzy. Briar/LoL (58) Certain Death can be cast during the frenzy without interrupting it.
ItemsUsableAll items are usable
Interrupted byN/A
SpellsUsableBriar/LoL (59) Barrier Briar/LoL (60) Clarity Briar/LoL (61) Cleanse Briar/LoL (62) Exhaust Briar/LoL (63) Ghost Briar/LoL (64) Heal Briar/LoL (65) Ignite Briar/LoL (66) Smite Briar/LoL (67) Flash
DisabledBriar/LoL (68) Teleport Briar/LoL (69) Recall
Interrupted byN/A
Interrupted by
  • Death
  • Notes
    • Snack Attack can only be used during Briar/LoL (70) Blood Frenzy; if the frenzy ends at any point, the empowered attack will be lost immediately.


    Chilling Scream

    Briar/LoL (71)

    Active: Briar Briar/LoL (72) charges for up to 1 second, during which she increases Chilling Scream's damage and range, and gains 35% damage reduction and Briar/LoL (73) heals herself every 0.25 seconds.

    Heal Per Tick:
    2.5 / 2.875 / 3.25 / 3.625 / 4% maximum health
    Maximum Heal:
    10 / 11.5 / 13 / 14.5 / 16% maximum health

    Chilling Scream can be recast within the duration, and does so automatically afterwards. Chilling Scream's charge cannot be Briar/LoL (74) interrupted by Briar/LoL (75) crowd control.

    Recast: Briar unleashes a scream in the target direction that deals magic damage to enemies hit and Briar/LoL (76) slows them by 80% for 0.5 seconds.

    Maximum Magic Damage:
    80 / 115 / 150 / 185 / 220 (+ 100% bonus AD) (+ 100% AP)
    Minimum Magic Damage:
    2 / 2.875 / 3.75 / 4.625 / 5.5 (+ 2.5% bonus AD) (+ 2.5% AP)

    If Chilling Scream was charged for its full duration, enemies hit are also Briar/LoL (77) knocked back 575 units. If they collide with terrain, they will rebound to take Briar/LoL (78) bonus magic damage and become Briar/LoL (79) knocked up for 0.5 seconds and Briar/LoL (80) stunned for 1.5 seconds.

    Bonus Magic Damage:
    140 / 215 / 290 / 365 / 440 (+ 240% bonus AD) (+ 240% AP)
    Total Magic Damage:
    220 / 330 / 440 / 550 / 660 (+ 340% bonus AD) (+ 340% AP)
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    • Details

    • Chilling Scream increases its damage by its minimum every 0.025 seconds over the duration.
    • This ability will cast from wherever the caster is at the end of the cast time.
    • The following table refers for interactions while Briar is Briar/LoL (81) channeling:
    TypeCharge channel
    DisabledAll items are disabled
    Interrupted byN/A
    ConsumablesDisabled, but can still use trinkets
    SpellsUsableBriar/LoL (82) Barrier Briar/LoL (83) Clarity Briar/LoL (84) Cleanse Briar/LoL (85) Exhaust Briar/LoL (86) Ghost Briar/LoL (87) Heal Briar/LoL (88) Ignite Briar/LoL (89) Smite
    DisabledBriar/LoL (90) Flash Briar/LoL (91) Teleport Briar/LoL (92) Recall
    Interrupted byBriar/LoL (93) Hexflash (Recasts)
    Interrupted by
  • Death
  • Edit

    Certain Death

    Briar/LoL (94)

    Active: Briar kicks her pillory's hemolith in the target direction, briefly granting Briar/LoL (95) sight of its surroundings as it travels and marking the first enemy champion hit as her prey. The mark's application Briar/LoL (96) disrupts the target's ongoing Briar/LoL (97) channels. While the target is marked, they are Briar/LoL (98) revealed.

    If a target is hit, Briar Briar/LoL (99) cleanses herself from all Briar/LoL (100) crowd control and destroys her pillory over a cast time, afterwards Briar/LoL (101) dashing to them with Briar/LoL (102) displacement immunity. Upon arrival, she creates an explosion around the marked target that deals magic damage to them and nearby enemies and Briar/LoL (103) fears all non-marked targets for 1.5 seconds, during which they are Briar/LoL (104) slowed by 35%. She then enters a state of Hematomania.

    Magic Damage:
    150 / 250 / 350 (+ 50% bonus AD) (+ 120% AP)

    Briar/LoL (105)

    Hematomania: Briar gains all effects of Briar/LoL (106) Blood Frenzy as well as Briar/LoL (107)bonus armor and Briar/LoL (108)bonus magic resistance equal to 20% AD, Briar/LoL (109)life steal, and Briar/LoL (110)additional bonus movement speed.

    Life Steal:
    10 / 15 / 20%
    Additional Bonus Movement Speed:
    10 / 20 / 30%

    Briar/LoL (111)

    While in the empowered frenzy, Briar prioritizes attacking the marked target over all other units and regardless of range. If that target becomes invalid, she will shift back to her normal targeting priority until the marked target can be attacked again. Hematomania lasts until the mark is dispelled by any means, including Briar's or the target's death.

    Casting Briar/LoL (112) Chilling Scream ends Hematomania early. Briar/LoL (113) Head Rush's cast does not shift her targeting priority during Hematomania.

    ▶️ Activation alert.
    ▶️ "FOUND YOU!!"

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    • Details

    • Map-Specific Differences

    • Briar will track the target if they change locations.
    • Briar lands 100 units in front of her target at the end of the dash.
    • Briar will not initiate the second cast if she is being Briar/LoL (114) suppressed, is under Briar/LoL (115) resurrection, or is in the Briar/LoL (116) Realm of Death when her target is hit by the missile in the normal realm.
      • Since Certain Death cleanses herself from all crowd control when the first cast hits, she will be able to start the second cast due to removing the suppression effect.
    • Briar will still dash to the target even if they die before she reaches them.
    • Briar gains the displacement immunity upon starting the second cast time.
    • Briar will place herself onto the ground and interrupts Briar/LoL (117) displacements affecting her upon starting the second cast time.
    • Hematomania's targeting priorities differ slightly from that of Briar/LoL (118) Blood Frenzy's:
      • She will prioritize the marked target regardless of range and over all other units as long as it can be attacked.
        • If the marked target is not available, then she shifts her priority to the nearest other champion, then large monster or minion, and then any other unit.
          • If neither the marked target is valid or any other valid targets are close nearby, then she will prioritize targeting the nearest other champion, then large monster or minion, and then any other unit within a global radius.
    • Starting the second cast interrupts any spells that Briar is channeling.
    • The mark will expire if Hematomania's buff is dispelled.
    • Casting Briar/LoL (119) Blood Frenzy during Hematomania will not grant any additional bonuses nor will it override Hematomania's effects.
      • Gaining Hematomania while Blood Frenzy is active will override the previous buff.
    • The Briar/LoL (120) disrupt is 'wrapped' into a status effect that says the target is Briar/LoL (121) Silenced for 0.3 seconds, but it does not actually silence. It however makes sure that the disrupt is prevented by Briar/LoL (122) immunity to silences.
    • This ability will cast from wherever the caster is at the start of the cast time.
    • The following table refers for interactions while Briar is in either the first or second cast time:
    TypeCast time
    ItemsUsableBriar/LoL (123) Shurelya's Battlesong Briar/LoL (124) Youmuu's Ghostblade Briar/LoL (125) Randuin's Omen
    DisabledAll the other item-actives are disabled
    Interrupted byN/A
    SpellsUsableBriar/LoL (126) Barrier Briar/LoL (127) Clarity Briar/LoL (128) Cleanse Briar/LoL (129) Exhaust Briar/LoL (130) Ghost Briar/LoL (131) Heal Briar/LoL (132) Ignite Briar/LoL (133) Smite Briar/LoL (134) Flash
    DisabledBriar/LoL (135) Teleport Briar/LoL (136) Recall Briar/LoL (137) Hexflash
    Interrupted byN/A
    Interrupted by
  • Death, unless protected by Briar/LoL (138) Resurrection
    • The following table refers for interactions while Briar is dashing:
    DisabledAll items are disabled
    Interrupted byN/A
    SpellsUsableBriar/LoL (139) Barrier Briar/LoL (140) Clarity Briar/LoL (141) Cleanse Briar/LoL (142) Exhaust Briar/LoL (143) Ghost Briar/LoL (144) Heal Briar/LoL (145) Ignite Briar/LoL (146) Smite
    DisabledBriar/LoL (147) Flash Briar/LoL (148) Teleport Briar/LoL (149) Recall Briar/LoL (150) Hexflash
    Interrupted byN/A
    Interrupted by
  • Death
    • The following table refers for interactions while Briar is in Hematomania:
    AbilitiesBriar/LoL (151) Head Rush can only be cast on targets within its radius. Briar/LoL (152) Chilling Scream interrupts the frenzy. Briar/LoL (153) Certain Death is disabled.
    ItemsUsableAll items are usable
    Interrupted byN/A
    SpellsUsableBriar/LoL (154) Barrier Briar/LoL (155) Clarity Briar/LoL (156) Cleanse Briar/LoL (157) Exhaust Briar/LoL (158) Ghost Briar/LoL (159) Heal Briar/LoL (160) Ignite Briar/LoL (161) Smite Briar/LoL (162) Flash
    DisabledBriar/LoL (163) Teleport Briar/LoL (164) Recall
    Interrupted byN/A
    Interrupted by
  • Death
  • Briar/LoL (165) Arena differences edit
    • Base damage changed to 150 / 275 / 400.
    • Damage bonus AD ratio changed to 90% bonus AD.
    • Resistances AD ratio changed to 10% AD.


    Champion skins[]

    This article section only contains champion skins. For all associated collection items, see Briar (Collection).

    Briar/LoL (169)


    Briar/LoL (170) 975


    A failed experiment by the Black Rose, Briar's uncontrollable bloodlust required a special pillory to focus her frenzied mind. After years of confinement, this living weapon broke free from her restraints and unleashed herself into the world. Now she's controlled by no one—following only her hunger for knowledge and blood—and relishes the opportunities to let loose, even if reining back the frenzy isn't easy.

    Briar/LoL (171)

    Briar/LoL (172)Julie Nathanson

    Briar/LoL (173)Horace 'Hozure' Hsu

    Briar/LoL (174) Loot eligible


    Patch history[]

    For the expanded patch notes, see here.
    • Stats
      • Gameplay radius increased to 65 units from 55.
      • Selection radius increased to 120 units from 111.11109924316406.
    • Briar/LoL (175) Certain Death
    • Stats
      • Health growth reduced to 95 from 100.
    • Briar/LoL (178) Head Rush
      • Cast range increased to 475 units from 450.
    • Briar/LoL (179) Blood Frenzy
      • Bonus attack speed changed to 55 / 65 / 75 / 85 / 95% from 54 / 68 / 82 / 96 / 110%.
      • Bug Fix: Now properly reveals the nearest target while the effects of nearsight.
    • General
      • Bug Fix: Ability icons in the HUD no longer sometimes disappear.
    • Briar/LoL (180) Head Rush
      • New Effect: Can now target wards and traps.
    • Briar/LoL (181) Blood Frenzy
      • Bonus attack speed reduced to 54 / 68 / 82 / 96 / 110% from 55 / 70 / 85 / 100 / 115%.
    • Briar/LoL (182) Snack Attack
      • Healing reduced to 24 / 28 / 32 / 36 / 40% of damage dealt from 25 / 30 / 35 / 40 / 45%.
    • Briar/LoL (183) Certain Death
      • Base damage reduced to 150 / 250 / 350 from 150 / 300 / 450.
    • General
      • Bug Fix: No longer repeatedly cancels the windup of her basic attacks if she had a low enough attack speed value.
    • Briar/LoL (184) Head Rush
      • Bug Fix: Tooltip now also mentions the magic resistance reduction in the level-up display.
    • Briar/LoL (185) Blood Frenzy
      • New Effect: Now has a range indicator for the detection radius.
      • Bug Fix: Dash range indicator now properly resizes to account for shorter target ranges than the maximum. (Note: its functionality is unchanged.)
    • Briar/LoL (188) Crimson Curse
      • Bleed tick interval reduced to 0.5 seconds from 1.
      • Bonus healing reduced to 0% − 40% (based on missing health) from 0% − 50%.
      • New Effect: Bonus healing is now increased by 0.025% per 100 bonus health.
    • Briar/LoL (189) Head Rush
      • Damage type changed to magic from physical.
      • New Effect: Damage now scales with 60% AP.
      • New Effect: Now also reduces magic resistance by 10 / 12.5 / 15 / 17.5 / 20%.
      • New Effect: Now applies on-hit and on-attacks effects and benefits from life steal.
    • Briar/LoL (190) Snack Attack
      • Healing reduced to 25 / 30 / 35 / 40 / 45% of damage dealt from 35 / 41.25 / 47.5 / 53.75 / 60%.
      • New Effect: Healing now scales with 5% of her maximum health.
      • Removed: Bonus damage can no longer Briar/LoL (191) critically strike.
    • Stats
      • Attack speed ratio increased to 0.669 from 0.644.
      • Base armor reduced to 30 from 32.
    • Briar/LoL (192) Head Rush
      • Base damage reduced to 60 / 90 / 120 / 150 / 180 from 60 / 95 / 130 / 165 / 200.
    • Briar/LoL (193) Blood Frenzy
      • Bonus attack speed reduced to 55 / 70 / 85 / 100 / 115% from 60 / 75 / 90 / 105 / 120%.
    • Briar/LoL (194) Chilling Scream
      • Damage reduction reduced to 35% from 40%.
    • Briar/LoL (195) Certain Death
      • Damage type changed to magic from physical.
      • AP ratio increased to 120% AP from 110% AP.
      • Bonus AD ratio reduced to 50% bonus AD from 75%.
    • Stats
      • Base health reduced to 590 from 610.
    • Briar/LoL (196) Snack Attack
      • Health ratio reduced to 9% of target's missing health from 10%.
      • Bonus AD ratio reduced to 2.5% per 100 bonus AD from 3.5%.
    • Briar/LoL (197) Head Rush
      • Base damage reduced to 60 / 95 / 130 / 165 / 200 from 60 / 100 / 140 / 180 / 220.
      • Armor reduction reduced to 10 / 12.5 / 15 / 17.5 / 20% from 10 / 14 / 18 / 22 / 26%.
    • Briar/LoL (198) Blood Frenzy
      • Bug Fix: No longer counts as a crowd control ability for the purposes of death recap and crowd control score in the post-game statistics.
      • Bug Fix: Basic attack animations no longer sometimes appear to be slower against champions.
      • Bug Fix: No longer triggers the loss of control screen effect upon becoming berserk.
    • Briar/LoL (199) Snack Attack
      • Bug Fix: Using it to score the killing blow against Briar/LoL (200) Baron Nashor no longer causes her to then gain kill credit of all minions empowered by the Briar/LoL (201) Hand of Baron.
    • Briar/LoL (202) Certain Death
      • Base damage reduced to 150 / 300 / 450 from 150 / 325 / 500.
      • Bonus AD ratio reduced to 75% bonus AD from 110%.
      • Bug Fix: No longer causes players to disconnect from the game if her dash finishes while the target is untargetable.
      • Bug Fix: Basic attacks no longer become disabled against almost any target for a period after the frenzy ended if she had Briar/LoL (203) Duskblade of Draktharr.
      • Bug Fix: No longer is able to attack allies during the berserk under certain conditions.
    • Stats
      • Attack speed growth reduced to 2% from 2.3%.
    • Briar/LoL (204) Crimson Curse
      • Heal on-target death increased to 125% of remaining bleed damage from 100%.
    • Briar/LoL (205) Snack Attack
      • Bonus AD ratio reduced to 3.5% per 100 bonus AD from 4%.
    • General
      • Recommended items and runes have been updated.
      • Bug Fix: Transitions from her attack to idle animation now play correctly.
    • Stats
      • Attack speed growth reduced to 2.3% from 2.5%.
    • Briar/LoL (206) Crimson Curse
      • Bug Fix: Briar/LoL (207) Spell shield now also blocks applications of bleed stacks from blocked spells when the first stack was already applied.
    • Briar/LoL (208) Head Rush
      • New Effect: Now properly tagged as an attack reset for interactions like Briar/LoL (209) Hail of Blades.
      • Bug Fix: Targeting an enemy over terrain now consistently causes her to dash to their location on the other side, rather than landing in front of the wall if the target was not far enough away from the wall on the other side.
    • Briar/LoL (210) Blood Frenzy
      • New Effect: Frenzy duration is now also displayed on her resource bar on the health bar, and color-coded.
      • Tooltip now clarifies that casting it does not remove or replace the empowered Blood Frenzy granted by Briar/LoL (211) Certain Death.
      • Bug Fix: Dash no longer cancels existing movement commands.
    • Briar/LoL (212) Snack Attack
      • Healing changed to 36 / 42 / 48 / 54 / 60% from 35 / 42.5 / 50 / 57.5 / 65%.
      • Non-champion damage reduced to 110% from 120%.
      • Monster health ratio damage cap reduced to 400 from 500.
      • Bug Fix: Percent health damage is no longer affected by critical strike modifiers.
      • New Effect: Now has a brief cooldown after gaining Briar/LoL (213) Blood Frenzy.
    • Briar/LoL (214) Chilling Scream
      • Bug Fix: Now makes displaced enemies collide with player-generated terrain more consistently.
      • Undocumented/Bug Fix: No longer renders enemies Briar/LoL (215) airborne for 1 second after the displacement ends.
    • Briar/LoL (216) Certain Death
      • New Effect: Frenzy duration is now also displayed on her resource bar on the health bar, and color-coded.
      • New Effect: Pinging the ability now tells teammates which enemies are within its cast range.
      • Bug Fix: Berserk is now properly canceled if the the target dies during the cast time of the second cast.
      • Bug Fix: No longer creates the explosion around the target if the dash is interrupted by the Briar/LoL (217) Dash summoner spell.
      • Bug Fix: Now behaves properly when interacting with Briar/LoL (218) Tahm Kench's Briar/LoL (219) Devour and Briar/LoL (220) Kalista's Briar/LoL (221) Fate's Call.
      • Bug Fix: True sight debuff now properly expires if she enters a Briar/LoL (222) resurrection state during the berserk effect.
      • Bug Fix: VFX now properly plays even if cast at maximum range.
      • Bug Fix: Briar/LoL (223) Yuumi is now properly revealed by the true sight debuff even while she is untargetable from Briar/LoL (224) You and Me!.
      • Bug Fix: No longer fails to enter the berserk state with Briar/LoL (225) Blood Frenzy upon reaching the target and consequently create two explosions under certain conditions.
    • Briar/LoL (226) Street Demons Briar
    V13.18 - September 14th Hotfix
    • Stats
      • Base health increased to 610 from 590.
    • Briar/LoL (228) Chilling Scream
      • Damage reduction increased to 40% from 35%.
      • Cooldown reduced to 16 seconds from 18.
    V13.18 - Added
    • Briar/LoL (229) Crimson Curse - Innate
      • Innate: Briar's basic attacks and abilities inflict a bleed against enemies for 5 seconds, refreshing on subsequent applications, stacking up to 9 times and dealing 25% damage for stacks beyond the first. The bleed deals10 − 50 (based on level) (+ 50% bonus AD) total physical damage over the duration, up to a maximum of 30 − 150 (based on level) (+ 150% bonus AD).」2 − 10 (based on level) (+ 10% bonus AD) physical damage per second, up to a maximum of 6 − 30 (based on level) (+ 30% bonus AD) per tick.」Briar Briar/LoL (230) heals herself equal to 25% of the pre-mitigation damage dealt. If a target dies while bleeding, she will heal herself equal to 100% of the remaining bleed damage.
      • Briar has no Briar/LoL (231)base health regeneration, but she increases healing from all sources by 0% − 50% (based on missing health).
    • Briar/LoL (232) Head Rush - Q
      • Active: Briar Briar/LoL (233) leaps to the target unit. If the target is an enemy, she deals 60 / 100 / 140 / 180 / 220 (+ 80% bonus AD) physical damage, Briar/LoL (234) stuns them for 0.85 seconds, and inflicts them with 10 / 14 / 18 / 22 / 26% Briar/LoL (235)armor reduction for 5 seconds.
      • Cost: 6% current health.
      • Cooldown: 13 / 12 / 11 / 10 / 9 seconds.
      • Cast Time: None, Target Range: Briar/LoL (236) 450.
    • Briar/LoL (237) Blood Frenzy - W
      • Active: Briar Briar/LoL (238) dashes to the target location. If there is a nearby enemy upon her arrival, she gains Blood Frenzy for 5 seconds, during which she can cast Briar/LoL (239) Snack Attack.
      • Blood Frenzy: Briar breaks free from her pillory, turning Briar/LoL (240) berserk against the nearest enemy. She Briar/LoL (241) reveals the target and gains Briar/LoL (242) ghosting, 60 / 75 / 90 / 105 / 120% Briar/LoL (243)bonus attack speed and 24 / 33 / 42 / 51 / 60% Briar/LoL (244)bonus movement speed, as well as empowering her basic attacks to deal 60 / 70 / 80 / 90 / 100% AD physical damage to enemies surrounding her target. This damage is affected by Briar/LoL (245) critical strike modifiers.
      • Briar prioritizes attacking Briar/LoL (246) champions, then large Briar/LoL (247) monsters, and then Briar/LoL (248) minions.
      • Blood Frenzy ends early if there are no longer any nearby valid targets or Briar/LoL (249) Chilling Scream is cast. If Briar/LoL (250) Head Rush is cast on a non-champion, Briar will stop prioritizing champions during the frenzy. Blood Frenzy Briar/LoL (251) resets Briar's basic attack timer. Briar/LoL (252) Head Rush and Briar/LoL (253) Certain Death can be cast during the dash.
      • Cost: 6% current health.
      • Cooldown: 14 / 13 / 12 / 11 / 10 seconds.
      • Cast Time: None, Target Range: 75 - 300 / 650, Effect Radius: Briar/LoL (254) 1000 / 275, Speed: 1200.
      • Briar/LoL (255) Snack Attack - W
        • Active: Briar empowers her next basic attack within 5 seconds during Briar/LoL (256) Blood Frenzy to take a bite out of the target enemy, having an Briar/LoL (257) uncancelable windup, gaining Briar/LoL (258)50 bonus range, dealing 5 / 20 / 35 / 50 / 65 (+ 105% AD) (+ 10% (+ 4% per 100 bonus AD) of the target's missing health) bonus physical damage and Briar/LoL (259) healing for 35 / 42.5 / 50 / 57.5 / 65% of the post-mitigation damage dealt.
        • Snack Attack deals 120% damage against Briar/LoL (260) minions and Briar/LoL (261) monsters, with the damage based on the target's health ratio being capped at 500.
        • Snack Attack Briar/LoL (262) resets Briar's basic attack timer.
        • Cast Time: None.
    • Briar/LoL (263) Chilling Scream - E
      • Active: Briar Briar/LoL (264) charges for up to 1 second, during which she increases Chilling Scream's damage and range, and gains 35% damage reduction and Briar/LoL (265) heals herself for 2.5 / 2.875 / 3.25 / 3.625 / 4% maximum health every 0.25 seconds.
      • Chilling Scream can be recast within the duration, and does so automatically afterwards. Chilling Scream's charge cannot be Briar/LoL (266) interrupted by Briar/LoL (267) crowd control.
      • Recast: Briar unleashes a scream in the target direction that deals 80 / 115 / 150 / 185 / 220 (+ 100% bonus AD) (+ 100% AP) magic damage to enemies hit and Briar/LoL (268) slows them by 80% for 0.5 seconds.
      • If Chilling Scream was charged for its full duration, enemies hit are also Briar/LoL (269) knocked back 575 units. If they collide with terrain, they will rebound to take 140 / 215 / 290 / 365 / 440 (+ 240% bonus AD) (+ 240% AP) Briar/LoL (270) bonus magic damage and become Briar/LoL (271) knocked up for 0.5 seconds and Briar/LoL (272) stunned for 1.5 seconds.
      • Cost: 6% current health.
      • Cooldown: 18 seconds.
      • Cast Time: None / 0.291 (at base attack speed), Range: Briar/LoL (273) -100 / Briar/LoL (274) 400 − 600 (based on charge time), Width: Briar/LoL (275) 380, Speed: 1900 / 1800.
    • Briar/LoL (276) Certain Death - R
      • Active: Briar kicks a hemolith in the target direction that briefly grants Briar/LoL (277) sight of its surroundings as it travels and marks the first enemy champion hit as her prey, Briar/LoL (278) disrupting their ongoing Briar/LoL (279) channels and Briar/LoL (280) revealing them.
      • If a target is hit, Briar Briar/LoL (281) cleanses herself from all Briar/LoL (282) crowd control and destroys her pillory over a cast time, afterwards Briar/LoL (283) dashing to them with Briar/LoL (284) displacement immunity. Upon arrival, she creates an explosion around the marked target that deals 150 / 325 / 500 (+ 110% bonus AD) (+ 110% AP) physical damage to them and nearby enemies and Briar/LoL (285) fears all non-marked targets for 1.5 seconds. She then enters a state of Hematomania.
      • Hematomania: Briar gains all effects of Briar/LoL (286) Blood Frenzy against the marked target as well as Briar/LoL (287)bonus armor and Briar/LoL (288)bonus magic resistance equal to 20% AD, 10 / 15 / 20% Briar/LoL (289)life steal, and 10 / 20 / 30% Briar/LoL (290)additional bonus movement speed.
      • Hematomania lasts until the marked target dies. If the target becomes invalid, Briar will turn Briar/LoL (291) berserk against the nearest other enemy until her target becomes valid again.
      • Casting Briar/LoL (292) Chilling Scream ends Hematomania early.
      • Cost: 6% current health.
      • Cooldown: 120 / 100 / 80 seconds.
      • Cast Time: 1 / 1.25, Range: Briar/LoL (293) 10000, Effect Radius: Global / Briar/LoL (294) 1500 / Briar/LoL (295) 575, Width: Briar/LoL (296) 320, Speed: 2000 / 2500 - 5000.

    See also[]


    Briar/LoL (2024)
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    Name: Jeremiah Abshire

    Birthday: 1993-09-14

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    Introduction: My name is Jeremiah Abshire, I am a outstanding, kind, clever, hilarious, curious, hilarious, outstanding person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.